Monday, April 19, 2010

Meet our Members! Hi Christy!

We love to learn more about our members! This week, we got to know Christy!! Christy's brother David also works out at Pure Austin!

Hi, Christy!! Tell us, what kind of workouts do you do?

-I do a mix of workouts, because I get bored easily and have to change it up. Classes work well for this reason, and when I get tired of those, I do a mix of cardio/strength training and random stuff I see in fitness magazines. I also like to run outside with my precious puppy Tucker, who has surprisingly strong endurance for being a Yorkie.

Are you training for anything specific? What are your workout goals right now?
- I'm not training for anything specific, and my goals are only to minimize stress and maximize confidence. When I work out, I feel better about myself, I am less stressed, and both of these things make me a happier person. When I look good, I feel great and Pure helps me do both.

What keeps you coming back to Pure?
- I keep coming back to Pure because they keep me interested with new classes, changing schedules, great people and good atmosphere.

How do you fit in your workouts?
- The time of day I work out differs, because I fit workouts in whenever I can. I work out most frequently at the end of the day, probably between 4 and 7, but if I can squeeze in a lunchtime or early morning workout on a day when I have evening activities planned, I'll do it.

Tell us more about you! How do you fit your workouts in with a busy schedule?
- I am in technology sales, and am also a freelance makeup artist. I make workouts a priority by fitting them in no matter what, as often as possible. Even if I only have 30 minutes to get in and out, I'll do it, because in that amount of time I'll do something good for myself and will feel better for it.