Saturday, April 17, 2010

Chelsea works with Mary to successfully create habits to combat 40+ metabolism changes

Many people I talk to about their health and fitness goals want to improve.
They want to lose weight and look more fit. People have told me that their
weight has been a struggle for them all their lives and they have been on
various diets most of their lives.

This is not my story. I was a thin child and adult for most of my life. I
could eat whatever I wanted without gaining weight. But then I reached 40,
my metabolism began to slow down. I started gaining weight even though my
eating habits were the same as they had been. I started to work out for the
first time in my life and started paying attention to what I was eating, but
didn’t really diet. I kept my weight mostly under control although at times
it would fluctuate up or down by 5 to 10 pounds. I really thought my
metabolism had come to a halt and couldn’t slow down anymore and as long as
I cut down on my food intake and worked out I would keep control of my
weight. Then I hit my mid-fifties and found out my metabolism could slow
down even more and doing what I was doing wasn’t enough any more.

This brings me to the present. I have seen some results over the course of
this challenge so far. I try to be at one of the Pure Austin locations at 6
am Monday through Friday to work out for an hour. It has helped. I have
lost body fat and can get into my size 6 pants again. I do see a change in
my body although I have not lost any weight. I have to admit I haven’t
been as careful about my eating as I should. My struggle has been planning
my meals ahead of time and having the right foods on hand. I tell myself
every weekend that I am going to find the time to plan out meals and prepare
the right food. The weekends go rushing by without a moment to sit down and
the planning doesn’t happen. This is my struggle. I like going to the gym.
I work out with Chelsea twice a week. I love my sessions with her. I work
out on my own or take a class three days a week. I feel like I need to get
to the point where I can plan out my meals ahead of time with the foods that
are going to allow me to lose weight. I plan to keep trying to accomplish
this and make it a habit like I have made exercising a habit.