Saturday, April 24, 2010

Jessy gets faster with speed workouts + gains upper body muscle tone, too!? Sweet.

From Jodi's client, Jessy:

The last time I had any upper body muscle tone was when I worked in a
restaurant in high school, which was a good mumblity years ago. I've
knocked about 15 seconds off my mile and am sticking to my
Tuesday/Thursday speed workouts, but the muscle tone is the one huge
measurable difference. That is, three months ago: nothing; and today:
something. I don't weigh myself or measure in inches, so those are
all guess based on how I'm feeling, but the upper arm tone is back.
I'm actually amazed as I'd resigned myself to weak arms years ago.
I've got about a month until the Congress Avenue Mile, so we can see
if all this training comes to fruition. I'm not looking forward to
having to design my own workout schedule after the RyR is over, but
now I have a handful of resistance exercises I know work, so that's
one less thing to stress about.