Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Resolution Resolver Jeanel has lost 13 lbs already!!

Resolution Resolver Jeanel gives us an update -- her progress is thrilling!!!

My name is Jeanel and the fact that I call myself Nella Wafer tells you that cookies are my biggest challenge. I loves my cookies. Grandma's oatmeal raisin cookies from the vending machine make such a lovely break from work. A little treat from the bakery is such a good reward at the end of a stressful day. And the girl scouts with their Thin Mints. You get the picture.

Eventually, one day I looked in the mirror and saw some 40-year-old woman with a rather matronly figure looking back. When did I go from being a fan of Grandma's cookies to looking a little like Grandma herself?

And could I please reverse this trend at least somewhat in time for my trip to Peru in May? I don't want my vacation pictures to show me hiding in a muu-muu. I want to have pictures that show me happily hiking me up Macchu Pichu with fit muscular legs, and a strong core helping me learn to surf.

So I jumped at the chance to participate in the Resolve Your Resolution contest, and set a bunch of goals for myself, both weight-related and sport-related. Chelsea was the voice of reason telling me to keep my goals modest, and that's certainly a good thing, because it's been a challenge, especially the first couple of weeks.

I'm definitely making progress, and I'm really pleased with how it's going. I'm spinning, swimming, strength training and Pilates-ifying my way to my goals. I've lost 13 pounds so far and my body fat has gone from 33.9% to 32.1%. And the lost inches! A couple inches here, a couple inches there, and pretty soon, there's a lot less of me all around! My swim times are getting better too. I've always wanted to swim 100 yards in 1 minute 30 seconds, and now I've gone from 1 minute 50 to 1 minute 35. So close! I can't wait to see how my Splash and Dash and 1.2 mile open water swim times this year compare to my old times!

It's tough sticking with a plan consistently for such a long time. As I work through this, these are some of the things I've learned:

* My problem is not really willpower, but time management. Cookies won't tempt me if I've had a full breakfast and lunch. But those meals don't make themselves, I have to get it all organized the night before.

* Also in the realm of time management, 6 AM workouts are a real pain, but they get done. 6 PM workouts, not always.

* Co-workers who don't even know that I'm watching my diet or in a contest are just naturally supportive! Without me saying a word, a weird little pattern has evolved that goes like this: "We got kolaches, but didn't think you'd want any so we thought you might like these strawberries." Or, "I brought breakfast tacos, but I know you're too healthy for that so I brought you a grapefruit." What the heck? Did I win the sensitive co-worker lottery or what?

* Every single day will bring a challenge or three, so I just try to observe them when they come along, and remind myself that I knew it would happen. Then when I am faced with a challenge, like an open bowl of M&Ms at work, I can just observe it and say to myself, "Oh look, there it is, today's challenge: M&Ms. That's not so bad, I can resist that. Check it out! I'm overcoming today's challenge!"

* Masters swimming with Alex has only been going on a few weeks, but it's really helping me stay on track and swim better. Alex offers just the right kind of gentle push to challenge myself without actually making me feel stressed.

* Ramsey will talk about "playing" in Pilates, but don't be fooled, it's work. Sweaty, sweaty work that will leave your abs aching the next day.

* A spinning class with Ryon Talbot is guaranteed to make you laugh or smile. If for no other reason, because he will smack his own behind at least a dozen times in one 45-minute class.