Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Jessy RESOLVES to get faster...with Jodi's help

I have abused my relationship with amateur running for too long. I have been running as a sport, hobby or conditioning since 1990. I like logging miles, wandering my neighborhood, listening to music, and not having to answer the phone for an hour every night. I can get through 10k's and half marathons with decent, but not great, times. What if I actually took running seriously? I have no false aspiration to join some competitive old person team, nor any bucket list of items to check off before I die, but I do have an overwhelming desire to get one of those Congress Avenue Mile shirts without embarrassing myself.

My interest in running came from my first timed mile, which was 7:50, in the fifth grade. It was the fastest girl's time at my elementary school. I told my mother, who had posted decent times in summer track a generation before, and she said: well that's not so fast. And it isn't. The time is lower now, but not notably.

My hands off self coaching approach to running had hit a wall. I
decided to sign up for this contest to investigate if it was my lazy
coaching style or my physical makeup holding me back from a decent
mile time with the hope improving one mile would also benefit my
distance runs. After one month of evidence gathering, it appears my
inner self coach is too laid back; doing what feels good, while
leaving me high on oxygen, is (unfortunately) not as effective as
revisiting all the things I know build strength: core exercises,
resistance training and track workouts. On average, Jodi's workouts
take about the same amount of time as my mile logging, but are far
more effective at increasing my speed.

I have no idea what my chances are at beating the rest of the
participants. I'm confident I'll make my goal, though, which is far
more important. Plus, I already shave my legs without feeling like a
poser, so I have two legs up on Drew's bike guy already.