Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Eli's New Years Resolution Tip!

We all want to keep our fitness resolutions, but sometimes it's hard with our busy schedules. On days when you can't make it to the gym, don't call it a loss. Use this workout tip from Eli and get more done at home!

Eli says:
When you have too much to do around the house, do a little something to keep yourself active. Try this:

Set a timer between 5 to 10 Minutes. When it goes off, set aside what you are doing and do an exercise to your personal max. For example: the timer goes off and you knock out 20 push ups or 25 jump squats. Then, reset the timer, keep going with your task until the next set.

If you do this often enough, your max will build and you'll improve your true workout at the gym.

Don't rely on this as a substitute to your full workout, but it will help you multitask and shake a bit of that holiday guilt! :)

Shoot Pure Austin Fitness Specialist Eli an email if you want to get hooked up with one of the best and brightest trainers around! Eli@PureAustin.com