Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Meet our Members!! Tyson

We are excited to feature our members!
Meet Tyson!

Hi Tyson!
How long have you been a member?

3 years.

Why did you choose Pure Austin?

I originally chose Pure Austin because it was close to home and it was clean and well maintained. But more importantly, I continue to choose Pure because over time I discovered that there is a sense of community that makes it truly unique from any other gym. For me the gym is not just a place to exercise, it has become a place for me to grow as a person, always working towards new goals. It is clear that the staff take a genuine interest in helping me push beyond my own expectations to achieve both a healthy body and spirit. And I’ve met some great friends in the process who also share similar goals and interests.

What kind of workouts do you do?

When I work out alone, I like to focus on a few muscle groups at a time and mix in some high energy bursts on the treadmill or rowing machine between reps to get that extra calorie burn. I also love to take morning clinics (“boot camps”), because working out in a group setting motivates me to get out of bed early and push myself a little harder while I work out. I love to take classes that incorporate plyometrics, such as kickboxing.

How regularly?

My goal is to be in the gym 4 times a week and do something outdoors on the other 3 days. In the summers, I prefer to workout outdoors as much as possible.

How do you feel?

I feel great. I spent too many years as a younger adult not taking care of my body. Not only have I noticed a difference over the last three years, but so have my friends and family. I have more energy, more confidence, and telling myself “You can’t do that,” is no longer an option.

Do you have workout goals for the next year?

My goal for this year is to maintain a more consistent workout routine and do a better job of planning my workouts in advance.

What keeps you motivated?

It’s never a scale or a measuring tape. It’s always how I feel. I can tell when I’ve slipped up; I start to feel sluggish and down. I know hitting the gym or running or biking the trails will help me maintain balance and energy.

What time of day do you workout?

I try to work out first thing in the morning. I like the energy and confidence that it gives me throughout the day, and it frees up my evening for all those unexpected plans or late nights at the office. Plus, I get the most benefit out of a high-protein breakfast right after working out.

What do you do for work?

I own a lighting showroom, Legend Lighting Inc. We sell traditional and contemporary lighting, ceiling fans, and custom lighting designs.

How do you manage to keep your workouts a priority?

The more I am stressed at work, the more I need to exercise to maintain balance in my life. And these are stressful times for all of us! Oddly enough, I think being busier makes it easier for me to make my workouts a priority because I know that if I don’t consciously plan for them, they won’t happen. I feel more energetic and more focused throughout my day if I started it in the gym.