Fitness Specialist Christi sent in this story about her client Joan. What an inspiration!!
Christi says:
Joan and I have been training together since late 2008. From the get go she was positive, and open to anything that I put her up to doing. We began with some lower level functional training to increase her overall strength and cardiovascular fitness. Through her continuous motivation and eagerness to become leaner and more athletic she's able to do some high level yet fun challenges that I set fourth. The sky's the limit!
This January, she and I discussed how we could take her another step further physically, mentally etc.... I mentioned doing the Danskin triathlon in June. Initially she was apprehensive but through some pep talk, specific triathlon training, taking cycling classes together, and running and cycling outdoors together, she finally reached a whole new confidence level. In June of 2010, she completed her first Danskin. For that matter, her first race ever. I watched and cheered her on with so much pride in her accomplishment. She's eager to do another triathlon soon and compete next year in the Danskin with an even faster time. She's truly an inspiration!