Saturday, July 24, 2010

Mallory reminds us why the Farmer's Market totally ruleeezz!!

Seriously, don't you think about this too... even if I am paying $$$ for organic produce at Whole Foods - how many trucks, crates, warehouses, hands, miles on the road, pollution has this unsuspecting head of broccoli seen?? The Farmer's Market totally rules and Mal knows it, cause she sent this to me today!

Shake the Hand that Feeds You

We live in an area lucky enough to have fruitful farmer's markets,
where you can find anything from the best tomato you'll ever eat to a
series of breakfast meals that will blow your taste buds away. You'll
find fishermen selling fresh fish caught that same weekend - never
frozen, farm raised, or 'colorfully enhanced'. Aside from how much
your insides will praise you for eating this way, you should eat what
the farmer's market provides simply because it tastes better. So, go
support the local, hard working farmers and buy some of the brightest
veggies you've ever seen. Make yourself a bowl of granola, salsa, or
tabouli, and know that you got to shake the hands of everyone feeding
you. That is what sustainable living is all about.

Here is what we bought at the farmer's market this morning: yum!!