Friday, July 25, 2008

Interesting Article on about the financial returns on investing in "wellness" in the workplace

This story caught my eye today, a happy line amongst the otherwise discouraging news that seems to frequent A 565-employee blue-collar plant in Lincoln, Nebraska has invested in a wellness program (for the past 16 years!) with 3 full-time employees dedicated to worker-wellness, offers on-site massages and pre-shift stretching to employees, as well as regular body fat tests, and a rewards programs for employees that meet certain health-standards, etc. Most noteworthy of all, the company saves about $2 million a year in health-care costs, despite investing $4000 in each employee.

Wow. That is pretty amazing. And it's at a factory in Lincoln, Nebraska. Seems like an unlikely setting for such progressive thinking. Imagine what we could do here in Austin!!